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- From wang!elf.wang.com!ucsd.edu!info-hams-relay Sun Mar 24 01:40:28 1991 remote from tosspot
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- via UUCP; Sun, 24 Mar 91 00:51:36 EST
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- Sat, 23 Mar 91 14:38:40 -0800 for brian
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- Sat, 23 Mar 91 14:38:33 -0800 for /usr/lib/sendmail -oc -odb -oQ/var/spool/lqueue -oi -finfo-hams-relay info-hams-list
- Message-Id: <9103232238.AA16361@ucsd.edu>
- Date: Sat, 23 Mar 91 14:38:27 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams-relay@ucsd.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V91 #234
- To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Info-Hams Digest Sat, 23 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 234
- Today's Topics:
- Bicycle Power for Field Day
- First No-code Tech?
- ICOM-245 Modification
- Looking for High Voltage Capacitors
- Modifying CB Radio
- mods for HR2600
- NASA Prediction Bulletins
- Reading Presence of Signal from ICOM R7000 Serial Port?
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 07:26:14 GMT
- From: tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!asuvax!ncar!csn!ub!planck!meyer@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
- Subject: Bicycle Power for Field Day
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <103396@unix.cis.pitt.edu> hpb@hpb.cis.pitt.edu (Harry Bloomberg) writes:
- >
- > Our ham club is considering using bicycle power for our natural power
- >multiplier for Field Day this year.
- >
- > 1) Has anybody out there done this? I'd appreciate any comments.
- >
- > 2) How about suggesting some references?
- >
- > Last year, we used solar power to great success. Not only did it
- >work well, we made the 11 PM TV news. Alternative power sources is a
- >great way to attract the media, and we're looking for a different
- >"gimmick" for this year.
- >
- >73,
- >Harry Bloomberg WA3TBL
- A friend of mine and I did just this back in 1980. We built a system
- around a standard 10 speed bicycle frame with a 20" wheel. We used a
- alternator out of an old GM car and 2 12 volt batteries in parallel.
- We were both in shape (we were active duty military at the time) and
- figured that we could take turns on the pedals.
- One problem that we had was that he was over 6' tall and I'm only 5'6"
- with short legs and we had to make the seat quickly adjustable. The
- best way to do it is to use a low power rig (about 100 watts) with
- very few gadgets. We tested the system out and found that if we kept
- the actual transmit time down (or used CW) we could keep the batteries
- charged reasonably well. The modifiers were going to be great.
- Our antenna was a multi-band dipole made out of 300 ohm TV antenna
- wire. It was actually 4 dipoles in parallel. We stretched out two
- pieces of 300 ohm to 40 meter half-wave length and then cut one of the
- conductors on each side at 20 meter length. We did the same with the
- 15 and 10 meter sections. We tied them all together in parallel and
- fed it with 75 ohm coax. The antenna was raised by using several
- sections of TV antenna mast (the kind that is tapered at on end) guyed
- by the antenna from 2 directions and nylon rope from the other 2
- directions.
- Then the military decided that we were going to take a nice vacation
- in Sunny Saudi Arabia for a couple of months and we missed field day
- :-(. Deployments mess up the best laid plans. As it turned out, my
- friend got transferred to Keflavik, Iceland and I ended my hitch
- before the next field day so we never got to actually run it.
- Two things to note: you will need batteries because nobody can pedal
- indefinately, and you want to be in good shape before you do this.
- Good Luck.
- --
- Thinking quickly, the IBM System Jock # Bob Meyer N2DXN
- uttered an incantation in EBCDIC and made # Calspan Advanced Tech. Center
- the sign of the Terminated Fork. # meyer%planck.uucp@acsu.buffalo.edu
- The UNIX Guru only smiled and trapped him in a recursive SED script.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 13:08:04 GMT
- From: usc!apple!netcom!edg@ucsd.edu
- Subject: First No-code Tech?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <andreap.669677698@s.ms.uky.edu> andreap@ms.uky.edu (Peach) writes:
- >............. She was getting licensed so that she could talk
- >to her husband -- not because she loves radio.
- Well, yeah, I can see where it's discouraging, but it ain't all that
- bad.
- Consider that the first earthquake, or whatever you get in Kentucky, may
- convert her to a rabid ARES volunteer. Or she may meet somebody at a
- club meeting that converts her to a mode her husband doesn't even
- operate.
- IMHO, we'd better not start questioning people's motives, but rather,
- judging them on their behavior.
- Somebody recently compared ham frequencies (among commercial ones) as
- the national park of the EM spectrum.
- National parks are there for everyone, so long as they don't vandalize
- them, not just for the serious outdoorspeople and naturalists. This
- We don't keep people out of national parks just because they want to go
- have a picnic with their families.
- -edg
- --
- Ed Greenberg, WB2GOH/6
- San Jose, CA
- edg@netcom.COM
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Mar 91 19:14:39 GMT
- From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!lavaca.uh.edu!menudo.uh.edu!lobster!urchin!f8325.n106.z1.fidonet.org!Charles.Lafkoff@ucsd.edu
- Subject: ICOM-245 Modification
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I've got an old ICOM-245 all mode and would like to find anyone who can help
- me to modify the rig/microproceesor so that it will be able to receive from
- approx. 130-170 MHz. This is an old one that was sold in the late 1970's.
- Thanks, Charlie WD5GNW @ WA4EWV.TX or here.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 17:25:11 GMT
- From: isis!whester@uunet.uu.net
- Subject: Looking for High Voltage Capacitors
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In article <1991Mar18.194939.1257@leland.Stanford.EDU> stankus@leland.Stanford.EDU (John Stankus) writes:
- >
- >I am desparate need of some high voltage capacitors (4-6KV) 5pF.
- >Since the demise of the vacuum tube nobody seems to make these anymore.
- >Does anyone know of a source for these and other HI-Voltage Capacitors.
- >
- >
- >Thanks
- >
- >John J. Stankus N5PEE Dept. of Chemistry
- >stankus@leland.stanford.edu Stanford University
- John, if checking the local ham swapfests and swap lists fails, then consider
- making them yourself.
- Look up the formula for capacitors in the ARRL handbook. You can use
- small sections of sheet copper, single sided printed circuit board, or
- even lids from tin cans for the plates. Use window glass to insulate
- the plates...with the glass extending out from the plates to assure the
- 6Kv won't arc around the plates. You'll find the dielectric constant for
- glass to be very good and normal thickness of window glass should give
- adequate Kv ratings.
- Another source for factory make caps in this range can be old television
- receivers...
- Try stacking six 1.5 KV rated disc ceramic caps in series with good
- spacing between them. Let's see, six 30pf in series should give about
- 5 pf that you asked for...
- Best Luck
- --
- Bill Hester, Ham Radio N0LAJ, Denver CO., USA | N0LAJ @ W0LJF.CO.USA.NA
- Please route replies to: whester@nyx.cs.du.edu or uunet!nyx!whester
- Public Access Unix @ University of Denver, Denver Colorado USA
- (no official affiliation with the above university)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 20:28:04 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- Issued: 16:00 UT, 23 March
- -------------
- A MAJOR middle latitude geomagnetic storm is expected to begin on 24
- March. Periods of severe geomagnetic storming is possible over middle
- latitudes, while high latitudes should experience frequent severe storm
- periods (K indices of 8 and 9). The cause of this predicted activity is
- the major proton flare of 22 March (class X9.4/3B proton flare at 22:47 UT).
- A high risk exists for major storming.
- Satellite level protons reached event thresholds of 10 p.f.u. at 08:20
- UT on 23 March and skyrocketed from there to moderately high levels of
- 2,500 p.f.u. thereafter. Some satellite anomalies are possible with proton
- levels at this intensity.
- A PCA event with an accompanying polar radio blackout began at 09:31
- UT on 23 March and is expected to continue for the next 24 to possibly 48
- hours. Riometer measurements indicate an absorption intensity of greater
- than 5.0 dB's. A Forbush decrease is expected with the magnetic storm.
- An interplanetary shockwave is expected to impact and produce a
- magnetic SSC sometime between approximately 09:00 UT and 18:00 UT on 24
- March. Minor storm level fluctuations are expected to begin shortly
- thereafter, increasing to major storm levels by the end of the UT day on 24
- March. Significant storming is possible. The flare which is producing
- this event was significantly more powerful and radio-rich than the flare
- which produced the previous storm warning a few weeks ago. The probability
- for magnetic storming from this event is much higher than the last warning,
- due primarily to the sensitive position of the flare on the sun.
- Geomagnetic induction will be possible if this storm materializes as
- expected. Significant magnetic perturbations are forecasted for all
- latitudes. Higher latitudes (middle northern and high latitudes) will
- likely experience the most intense storming. Although it is difficult to
- predict actual expected magnetic activity levels, we are predicting a
- middle latitude magnetic A-index of 40 for 24 Mar, and 50 or greater for 25
- March. There is a good possibility middle latitude A-indices could surpass
- 75 on 25 March. Magnetic K-indices for middle latitudes are predicted to
- reach levels of 6 and 7 (a level of 9 is the top of the scale). High
- latitudes will probably see values of 8 and 9.
- activity will be high to very high over high latitudes, and high over
- middle latitudes. Significant southward migration of the auroral zone is
- possible with this event. Low latitude auroral activity is a real
- possibility. If storm intensities surpass levels expected, auroral
- activity could possibly be seen as far south as Florida.
- Significant HF disruptions are possible (if not likely) over all
- latitudes. Polar regions are already experiencing blackout conditions due
- to the proton event. High absorption could produce near blackout
- conditions on many middle latitude paths. Strong fading and distortion is
- expected for low and middle latitudes.
- There is a high probability for significant VHF bistatic auroral
- backscatter communications on 24 and 25 March. Low latitude auroral
- backscatter communications is also expected to be possible over many areas.
- Middle latitudes will experience the best opportunities for auroral
- backscatter communications.
- The most intense terrestrial activity is expected to last between 12
- and 24 hours, with active to very active geomagnetic post-storm activity
- persisting until 26 March (barring any further major solar flaring).
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 08:32:38 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- MARCH 22, 1991
- Alert #2
- Flare Event Summary
- --------
- A large major X-class flare ripped out of Region 6555 late today. The
- event began at 22:42 UT, peaked at 22:47 UT and ended at 23:10 UT on 22
- March. The flare attained an intense class X9.4/3B rating and was located
- at a S26E28. Radio emissions were very strong in the 245 MHz and 10 cm bands.
- The 245 MHz emission hit 260,000 s.f.u.. The 10 cm burst peaked at 36,000
- s.f.u.. Moderate intensity Type II and IV sweeps were observed with this
- event. The integrated x-ray flux was fairly high, rated at 0.560 Joules per
- meter^2. A moderate intensity proton event is expected anytime now. A proton
- enhancement has been observed over the past hour. Solar protons are expected
- to peak at levels near 80 p.f.u.. A Polar Cap Absorption (PCA) event is
- ANYTIME. The duration of the blackout is expected to be approximately 24 hours.
- Further consultation and analysis will be required before an official
- terrestrial impact will be released. This terrestrial impact forecast will
- be issued after 17:00 UT on 23 March.
- Preliminary results suggest that a high probability exists for a MAJOR
- middle-latitude geomagnetic storm, beginning sometime on 24 March. A more
- specific time period will be given with the 24 March bulletin (or warning).
- This major flare was significant and has the potential of producing large
- terrestrial impacts. More detailed information regarding the predicted state
- of the geomagnetic field will be given later today.
- Region 6555 has been magnetically analyzed in greater detail now.
- This region sports a beta-gamma-delta magnetic configuration. The internal
- structure is associated with strong fields, high gradients and high shear.
- The spots are contorted in an unstable configuration which will most likely
- produce further major flaring.
- FLARE ALERT associated with this latest major event. A POLAR RADIO
- A magnetic storm warning will likely be issued later this UT day.
- ** End of Alert **
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 16:50:44 GMT
- From: swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!ut-emx!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Modifying CB Radio
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- Hi. I have an old Realistic "Navaho" 23 channel CB rig that I'd like to
- modify for use on 10 meters. It has a "delta tune" knob with +, centered,
- and - positions; this is NOT a sideband control, is it? In the absence of
- sideband, I'd like to use the rig for CW work; I think I can do this by
- replacing the mike with a key in an appropriate way, since there would
- then be no amplitude modulation (maybe I need to apply a small voltage to
- the key as well, to get a nonzero amplitude).
- This unit is all crystals, but I don't see any crystals that are cut for
- the CB frequencies. Some look like first subharmonics (14.95 MHz, 14.96,
- etc.), while some are at other frequencies (23.39 MHz, 22.34, etc.).
- What's going on here? How to I go about moving this units channels into
- the 10 meter CW band? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
- Thanks,
- Kip Ingram
- ------------------------------
- Date: 22 Mar 91 20:08:18 GMT
- From: hpl-opus!hpnmdla!alanb@hplabs.hpl.hp.com
- Subject: mods for HR2600
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- In rec.ham-radio, faunt@CISCO.COM (Doug Faunt N6TQS 415-688-8269) writes:
- >Look in the April 1991 issue of 73, page 59, middle of right hand
- >side. ChipSwitch, 4773 Sonoma Hwy., Suite 132, Santa Rosa CA
- >95409-4269, is selling a replacement CPU for 2510's and 2600's for
- >$60. I don't know if they're real or not. Maybe one of the
- >info-hams/rec.ham-radio readers can check the location out for you.
- >73, doug
- Yeah, they're real. One of the engineers here is the brother of
- the fellow who sells them.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 22:08:33 GMT
- From: news-mail-gateway@ucsd.edu
- Subject: NASA Prediction Bulletins
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- The most current orbital elements from the NASA Prediction Bulletins are
- carried on the Celestial BBS, (513) 427-0674, and are updated several times
- weekly. Documentation and tracking software are also available on this
- system. As a service to the satellite user community, the most current of
- these elements are uploaded weekly to sci.space. This week's elements are
- provided below. The Celestial BBS may be accessed 24 hours/day at 300,
- 1200, or 2400 baud using 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
- - Current NASA Prediction Bulletins #825 -
- Alouette 1
- 1 00424U 62B-A 1 91 77.28636377 .00000469 00000-0 54965-3 0 3913
- 2 00424 80.4671 15.8220 0022404 290.8768 68.9980 13.67485241420151
- ATS 3
- 1 03029U 67111 A 91 77.85602545 -.00000076 00000-0 99999-4 0 5145
- 2 03029 13.5418 18.8779 0019697 228.3957 131.4383 1.00272997 85548
- Cosmos 398
- 1 04966U 71 16 A 91 80.40097505 .00091560 19493-4 46908-3 0 4488
- 2 04966 51.5244 238.9830 2080306 328.2616 20.7784 11.47438051622853
- Starlette
- 1 07646U 75010 A 91 69.72668461 -.00000066 00000-0 -43172-5 0 1999
- 2 07646 49.8256 186.7678 0206126 351.3539 8.3827 13.82150684812645
- 1 08820U 76039 A 91 78.08306944 .00000005 00000-0 99999-4 0 2089
- 2 08820 109.8392 89.3002 0044390 180.1243 179.9929 6.38664237 91497
- GOES 2
- 1 10061U 77048 A 91 73.85571327 -.00000259 00000-0 99999-4 0 5679
- 2 10061 8.7002 60.4064 0003735 339.1062 20.9829 1.00266029 51720
- 1 10637U 78012 A 91 75.97482089 -.00000181 00000-0 79862-4 0 2152
- 2 10637 32.7311 114.4783 1406225 0.8450 359.5540 1.00294217 9209
- GPS-0001
- 1 10684U 78020 A 91 78.17149122 .00000004 00000-0 99999-4 0 6066
- 2 10684 63.8799 81.0258 0127748 200.8893 158.5967 2.00554184 81364
- GPS-0002
- 1 10893U 78 47 A 91 78.66980484 -.00000022 00000-0 99999-4 0 3243
- 2 10893 64.2448 321.8794 0172095 23.8165 337.1375 2.00535415 94191
- GOES 3
- 1 10953U 78062 A 91 75.18784986 .00000090 00000-0 99999-4 0 533
- 2 10953 7.5973 63.3168 0003190 104.1918 255.8528 1.00264070 7647
- SeaSat 1
- 1 10967U 78064 A 91 79.04694566 .00001994 00000-0 72278-3 0 4801
- 2 10967 108.0261 169.8032 0003784 233.3685 126.7164 14.36333146666058
- GPS-0003
- 1 11054U 78093 A 91 79.41350923 -.00000021 00000-0 99999-4 0 3583
- 2 11054 63.7887 318.0172 0063602 117.4012 243.3566 2.00571722 91226
- Nimbus 7
- 1 11080U 78098 A 91 72.27330663 .00000303 00000-0 30407-3 0 7363
- 2 11080 99.1729 335.8414 0009780 89.1865 271.0430 13.83516130625245
- GPS-0004
- 1 11141U 78112 A 91 72.05824366 .00000004 00000-0 99999-4 0 1399
- 2 11141 63.8301 81.0896 0035248 112.8753 248.1001 2.00547655 89773
- GPS-0005
- 1 11690U 80 11 A 91 72.19605296 .00000005 00000-0 99999-4 0 999
- 2 11690 64.3219 83.3692 0121829 203.1934 156.3050 2.00552812 95638
- GPS-0006
- 1 11783U 80 32 A 91 79.97100747 -.00000021 00000-0 99999-4 0 3823
- 2 11783 63.5665 317.4823 0152768 58.1912 303.2175 2.00574037 79876
- GOES 5
- 1 12472U 81049 A 91 76.10216687 .00000130 00000-0 99999-4 0 604
- 2 12472 4.1468 72.3886 0002510 276.6107 83.6989 1.00243756 34965
- Cosmos 1383
- 1 13301U 82 66 A 91 79.09054448 .00000195 00000-0 21626-3 0 6891
- 2 13301 82.9306 98.5807 0028531 117.9462 242.4581 13.67892273435392
- LandSat 4
- 1 13367U 82 72 A 91 79.65551792 .00002616 00000-0 59019-3 0 7096
- 2 13367 98.1253 141.1696 0003628 19.3537 340.7800 14.57133413461561
- 1 13777U 83 4 A 91 76.01109774 .00000258 00000-0 20290-3 0 9106
- 2 13777 99.0190 273.4317 0013713 355.8703 4.2330 13.98904942 85080
- Cosmos 1447
- 1 13916U 83 21 A 91 63.80866909 .00000310 00000-0 31599-3 0 7845
- 2 13916 82.9376 179.3559 0038025 131.5822 228.8616 13.74111593398464
- TDRS 1
- 1 13969U 83 26 B 91 78.16126145 .00000126 00000-0 99999-4 0 2832
- 2 13969 5.1378 63.2525 0003669 313.4092 46.7455 1.00268152 2102
- GOES 6
- 1 14050U 83 41 A 91 80.09186202 .00000116 00000-0 99999-4 0 3869
- 2 14050 2.9221 75.3725 0015047 195.4405 164.8494 1.00275645 918
- OSCAR 10
- 1 14129U 83 58 B 91 79.85001045 -.00000029 00000-0 99999-4 0 6415
- 2 14129 25.7740 154.7577 6001788 226.7218 64.5707 2.05882404 30430
- GPS-0008
- 1 14189U 83 72 A 91 69.43290841 .00000003 00000-0 99999-4 0 9025
- 2 14189 63.5029 79.5234 0144230 224.5863 134.2890 2.00568707 56108
- LandSat 5
- 1 14780U 84 21 A 91 79.68955824 .00000428 00000-0 99999-4 0 5548
- 2 14780 98.2467 141.1288 0000752 331.0906 29.0301 14.57078448374983
- UoSat 2
- 1 14781U 84 21 B 91 80.56747138 .00004074 00000-0 74292-3 0 9380
- 2 14781 97.9105 128.5928 0013355 86.0295 274.2504 14.66481916376608
- GPS-0009
- 1 15039U 84 59 A 91 77.08462889 .00000002 00000-0 99999-4 0 1727
- 2 15039 63.2578 78.3973 0028470 227.3026 132.4810 2.00565776 49539
- Cosmos 1574
- 1 15055U 84 62 A 91 79.83062904 .00000289 00000-0 29896-3 0 362
- 2 15055 82.9573 218.3517 0026113 274.8028 85.0146 13.73427240338048
- GPS-0010
- 1 15271U 84 97 A 91 76.53106033 -.00000021 00000-0 99999-4 0 150
- 2 15271 63.0775 317.0100 0112467 331.8308 27.6359 2.00564132 46639
- Cosmos 1602
- 1 15331U 84105 A 91 80.56377174 .00005987 00000-0 78845-3 0 5023
- 2 15331 82.5327 103.5722 0023820 139.7082 220.5914 14.79818537349087
- NOAA 9
- 1 15427U 84123 A 91 78.77320874 .00001158 00000-0 64309-3 0 7145
- 2 15427 99.1733 90.1381 0014572 319.0243 40.9831 14.12889829322897
- GPS-0011
- 1 16129U 85 93 A 91 69.76845257 .00000004 00000-0 99999-4 0 7321
- 2 16129 64.0208 79.8325 0122796 148.0093 212.7912 2.00564617 39701
- Mir
- 1 16609U 86 17 A 91 80.39609845 .00081391 00000-0 84758-3 0 3278
- 2 16609 51.6085 12.6629 0016335 86.8260 273.4468 15.63683273291418
- SPOT 1
- 1 16613U 86 19 A 91 79.70146042 .00001287 00000-0 62213-3 0 2652
- 2 16613 98.7027 155.1458 0001690 98.7994 261.3378 14.20024544103171
- Cosmos 1766
- 1 16881U 86 55 A 91 78.28880235 .00000755 00000-0 99999-4 0 3630
- 2 16881 82.5331 164.4195 0020477 169.1765 191.0013 14.79166138249795
- 1 16908U 86 61 A 91 79.36376868 -.00000025 00000-0 99999-4 0 3427
- 2 16908 50.0101 126.9583 0011374 178.0562 182.0318 12.44393283209241
- NOAA 10
- 1 16969U 86 73 A 91 80.86282119 .00001514 00000-0 67517-3 0 5592
- 2 16969 98.5717 107.2613 0013831 177.1642 182.9618 14.23990851234123
- MOS-1
- 1 17527U 87 18 A 91 75.07091457 .00000787 00000-0 61100-3 0 7666
- 2 17527 99.0717 148.7284 0000984 107.9397 252.1869 13.94874370207163
- GOES 7
- 1 17561U 87 22 A 91 79.80530707 -.00000045 00000-0 99999-4 0 7408
- 2 17561 0.0171 260.9831 0006917 132.9380 326.0989 1.00271708 8347
- Kvant-1
- 1 17845U 87 30 A 91 80.90737955 .00067658 00000-0 70274-3 0 5076
- 2 17845 51.5948 10.0713 0018536 97.7785 262.6705 15.63774849 26221
- DMSP B5D2-3
- 1 18123U 87 53 A 91 79.83006488 .00001396 00000-0 74790-3 0 8797
- 2 18123 98.8144 271.7286 0014178 319.4927 40.5197 14.14428428193502
- RS-10/11
- 1 18129U 87 54 A 91 80.92254548 .00000423 00000-0 45399-3 0 5608
- 2 18129 82.9245 123.3498 0013445 70.9300 289.3318 13.72161780187623
- Meteor 2-16
- 1 18312U 87 68 A 91 79.41028299 .00000204 00000-0 17510-3 0 6142
- 2 18312 82.5514 71.3577 0011395 190.9347 169.1573 13.83747473181182
- Meteor 2-17
- 1 18820U 88 5 A 91 79.64751892 .00000454 00000-0 39552-3 0 4634
- 2 18820 82.5451 130.6980 0015117 270.9102 89.0325 13.84457443158430
- DMSP B5D2-4
- 1 18822U 88 6 A 91 79.87372354 .00001640 00000-0 76095-3 0 8156
- 2 18822 98.6074 317.6599 0006295 181.1811 178.9353 14.21856657162134
- Glonass 34
- 1 19163U 88 43 A 91 80.47845973 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 1980
- 2 19163 64.9161 149.8913 0007107 197.1056 162.9340 2.13102584 22058
- Glonass 36
- 1 19165U 88 43 C 91 80.06610696 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 1967
- 2 19165 64.8994 149.9028 0004530 327.1884 32.8570 2.13102913 22047
- AO-13
- 1 19216U 88 51 B 91 65.03461838 -.00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 2406
- 2 19216 56.8208 107.0310 7134717 248.7854 25.7533 2.09700788 20895
- 1 19274U 88 56 A 91 79.82850534 .00003864 00000-0 52581-3 0 683
- 2 19274 82.5116 261.7146 0020628 302.6994 57.2231 14.78392461145775
- Meteor 3-2
- 1 19336U 88 64 A 91 79.51407238 .00000049 00000-0 10968-3 0 7149
- 2 19336 82.5407 81.9375 0017539 348.1699 11.9013 13.16915477127322
- Glonass 39
- 1 19503U 88 85 C 91 80.08579552 -.00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 1155
- 2 19503 65.4460 29.2513 0004635 202.3422 157.6325 2.13103651 19539
- NOAA 11
- 1 19531U 88 89 A 91 79.78009085 .00001584 00000-0 88562-3 0 4709
- 2 19531 99.0195 33.9638 0011135 221.9738 138.0636 14.12003278127992
- TDRS 2
- 1 19548U 88 91 B 91 76.99844941 .00000113 00000-0 99999-4 0 2340
- 2 19548 0.7936 80.3119 0002824 288.6783 351.0985 1.00277359 7668
- Glonass 40
- 1 19749U 89 1 A 91 80.12719821 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 9022
- 2 19749 64.8617 149.5648 0006611 273.5456 86.4478 2.13102003 17060
- Glonass 41
- 1 19750U 89 1 B 91 80.65455305 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 9565
- 2 19750 64.8953 149.5810 0007220 253.3623 106.6215 2.13102200 17079
- GPS BII-01
- 1 19802U 89 13 A 91 58.17527061 .00000017 00000-0 99999-4 0 2319
- 2 19802 55.0455 187.3559 0050904 163.2354 196.8890 2.00558153 14865
- Akebono
- 1 19822U 89 16 A 91 77.15950443 .00030274 00000-0 17588-2 0 9628
- 2 19822 75.0737 103.0852 4107596 44.8053 341.9191 7.24840142 19480
- Meteor 2-18
- 1 19851U 89 18 A 91 79.83653964 .00000521 00000-0 45821-3 0 4154
- 2 19851 82.5227 8.0282 0014161 316.2938 43.7108 13.84086483103830
- MOP-1
- 1 19876U 89 20 B 91 75.51745988 .00000024 00000-0 99999-4 0 1828
- 2 19876 0.3174 51.0207 0001591 304.5416 4.4358 1.00271682 3398
- TDRS 3
- 1 19883U 89 21 B 91 74.63397740 -.00000237 00000-0 99999-4 0 2332
- 2 19883 0.8223 79.6338 0003135 292.2952 348.0983 1.00264151 77611
- GPS BII-02
- 1 20061U 89 44 A 91 58.00437706 -.00000034 00000-0 99999-4 0 2332
- 2 20061 54.8640 5.4895 0089842 183.4176 176.5173 2.00566400 12602
- Nadezhda 1
- 1 20103U 89 50 A 91 79.45876734 .00000252 00000-0 25761-3 0 3108
- 2 20103 82.9568 81.3576 0038277 351.9105 8.1440 13.73660776 85643
- GPS BII-03
- 1 20185U 89 64 A 91 57.34599602 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 1766
- 2 20185 54.8906 188.1900 0021289 164.8064 195.2144 2.00568043 11161
- GPS BII-04
- 1 20302U 89 85 A 91 41.91577973 -.00000024 00000-0 99999-4 0 1785
- 2 20302 54.4598 307.3315 0032510 329.9999 29.8633 2.00556091 9656
- Meteor 3-3
- 1 20305U 89 86 A 91 75.87769420 .00000043 00000-0 99999-4 0 3266
- 2 20305 82.5502 25.6640 0016711 15.4525 344.7104 13.15942304 66811
- 1 20322U 89 89 A 91 77.93552702 .00000734 00000-0 49570-3 0 2603
- 2 20322 99.0202 90.6497 0008215 329.9769 30.0924 14.03014309 68017
- Kvant-2
- 1 20335U 89 93 A 91 80.97128651 .00067432 00000-0 70274-3 0 6081
- 2 20335 51.6107 9.7544 0015814 86.7348 273.6612 15.63752611 75162
- GPS BII-05
- 1 20361U 89 97 A 91 79.32050943 .00000013 00000-0 99999-4 0 1295
- 2 20361 55.0295 129.4051 0062497 59.9825 300.8822 2.00584606 9269
- SPOT 2
- 1 20436U 90 5 A 91 79.73699360 .00001398 00000-0 67473-3 0 5029
- 2 20436 98.7042 155.2593 0000591 86.6808 273.4428 14.20043742 59997
- UO-14
- 1 20437U 90 5 B 91 76.22312375 .00001204 00000-0 49156-3 0 3155
- 2 20437 98.6755 156.2220 0011872 74.2200 286.0282 14.28968311 59858
- UO-15
- 1 20438U 90 5 C 91 65.23854784 .00000807 00000-0 33759-3 0 1978
- 2 20438 98.6813 145.2249 0010415 104.9447 255.2888 14.28581408 58272
- 1 20439U 90 5 D 91 79.69465718 .00001189 00000-0 48490-3 0 2073
- 2 20439 98.6775 159.9469 0012678 66.7370 293.5149 14.29069849 60357
- DO-17
- 1 20440U 90 5 E 91 76.10931864 .00001269 00000-0 51573-3 0 2073
- 2 20440 98.6775 156.4138 0012859 77.3705 282.8914 14.29131967 59849
- WO-18
- 1 20441U 90 5 F 91 79.23298956 .00001192 00000-0 48479-3 0 2064
- 2 20441 98.6746 159.5666 0013290 69.9197 290.3421 14.29201795 60295
- LO-19
- 1 20442U 90 5 G 91 80.54226241 .00001190 00000-0 48329-3 0 2083
- 2 20442 98.6770 160.9193 0013617 64.6497 295.6092 14.29280785 60481
- GPS BII-06
- 1 20452U 90 8 A 91 67.75229359 .00000004 00000-0 99999-4 0 1530
- 2 20452 54.3982 245.2075 0046174 52.4825 307.8626 2.00554625 8154
- MOS-1B
- 1 20478U 90 13 A 91 80.19745742 -.00000004 00000-0 99999-5 0 5228
- 2 20478 99.1592 153.8052 0000399 4.7574 355.3451 13.94849686 56757
- 1 20479U 90 13 B 91 69.51316501 .00000031 00000-0 97835-4 0 1893
- 2 20479 99.0193 70.4245 0540988 165.0177 196.7681 12.83171893 50903
- FO-20
- 1 20480U 90 13 C 91 79.96640198 .00000086 00000-0 24320-3 0 1828
- 2 20480 99.0228 78.8937 0541325 141.4000 222.7127 12.83177729 52241
- MOS-1B R/B
- 1 20491U 90 13 D 91 78.53192437 .00000200 00000-0 42320-3 0 2087
- 2 20491 99.0183 89.0858 0471212 105.7775 259.5781 13.02816519 52252
- 1 20496U 90 15 A 91 80.56302367 .00017642 00000-0 92594-3 0 4656
- 2 20496 43.0952 234.3506 0019630 294.7232 65.1575 15.15297085 60601
- 1 20497U 90 15 B 91 80.53458908 .00035154 00000-0 71962-3 0 4987
- 2 20497 43.0977 144.2549 0020234 7.7112 352.4072 15.45259447 61592
- Nadezhda 2
- 1 20508U 90 17 A 91 79.44636160 .00000278 00000-0 28566-3 0 2651
- 2 20508 82.9536 216.1889 0043598 298.5692 61.1093 13.73283487 52929
- 1 20510U 90 18 A 91 79.81345506 .00005663 00000-0 84713-3 0 4377
- 2 20510 82.5227 202.7508 0020690 94.9959 265.3650 14.74432811 56814
- 1 20523U 90 21 A 91 62.01325021 .00008107 00000-0 57046-3 0 4497
- 2 20523 28.3339 6.7184 0014890 76.4736 283.7514 15.03209790 53423
- GPS BII-07
- 1 20533U 90 25 A 91 79.13113608 -.00000034 00000-0 99999-4 0 1391
- 2 20533 55.1904 4.8054 0034342 96.1770 264.2227 2.00566808 7159
- PegSat
- 1 20546U 90 28 A 91 80.24279378 .00031184 00000-0 16523-2 0 4650
- 2 20546 94.1441 3.1126 0139239 52.9666 308.4379 15.07222323 51700
- 1 20580U 91 79.79198155 .00009941 00000-0 10743-2 0 4036
- 2 20580 28.4698 287.2797 0005764 120.5920 239.5232 14.86808872 49143
- Glonass 44
- 1 20619U 90 45 A 91 80.49737613 -.00000018 00000-0 99999-5 0 4102
- 2 20619 65.0458 29.4320 0023005 218.6516 141.1796 2.13103043 6537
- Glonass 45
- 1 20620U 90 45 B 91 80.14597944 -.00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 4241
- 2 20620 65.0414 29.4448 0008068 23.0075 337.0112 2.13103262 6533
- Glonass 46
- 1 20621U 90 45 C 91 80.20480578 -.00000018 00000-0 99999-4 0 3613
- 2 20621 65.0542 29.4642 0012162 210.8175 149.1008 2.13102739 6533
- Kristall
- 1 20635U 90 48 A 91 80.97128251 .00067430 00000-0 70274-3 0 4088
- 2 20635 51.6107 9.7544 0015813 86.7313 273.6422 15.63752602 46040
- 1 20638U 90 49 A 91 80.87985926 .00007818 00000-0 63935-3 0 2135
- 2 20638 52.9888 256.6268 0016042 95.8123 264.4756 15.00112900 43928
- Meteor 2-19
- 1 20670U 90 57 A 91 79.48890829 .00000188 00000-0 15948-3 0 1618
- 2 20670 82.5424 69.3384 0014406 231.0261 128.9618 13.83924402 36735
- 1 20712U 90 65 A 91 79.90087398 .00000488 00000-0 50982-3 0 1777
- 2 20712 18.0065 309.1856 7121047 22.2756 357.3871 2.44106456 5823
- GPS BII-08
- 1 20724U 90 68 A 91 55.54435681 .00000016 00000-0 99999-4 0 845
- 2 20724 54.6996 186.1883 0096447 122.6748 238.2165 2.00563932 4103
- Feng Yun1-2
- 1 20788U 90 81 A 91 80.17189190 -.00007562 00000-0 -50392-2 0 1082
- 2 20788 98.9476 115.4877 0015985 63.9031 296.3780 14.01069413 27882
- Meteor 2-20
- 1 20826U 90 86 A 91 79.82936476 .00000459 00000-0 40813-3 0 1148
- 2 20826 82.5211 8.1479 0013947 122.5678 237.6849 13.83297106 23995
- GPS BII-09
- 1 20830U 90 88 A 91 53.08841352 .00000013 00000-0 99999-4 0 856
- 2 20830 54.9030 128.6742 0075781 116.1874 244.6526 2.00566684 3135
- GPS BII-10
- 1 20959U 90103 A 91 76.43064871 .00000017 00000-0 99999-4 0 262
- 2 20959 54.9591 186.9802 0045402 213.8318 146.2541 2.00567535 2193
- DMSP B5D2-5
- 1 20978U 90105 A 91 80.94154282 .00054205 00000-0 19816-1 0 919
- 2 20978 98.8448 116.2451 0081670 35.7056 324.9581 14.30760830 15771
- Soyuz TM-11
- 1 20981U 90107 A 91 80.90738265 .00067468 00000-0 70274-3 0 1137
- 2 20981 51.6107 10.0757 0016651 87.9974 272.4090 15.63748032 17141
- Glonass 47
- 1 21006U 90110 A 91 80.24394901 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 969
- 2 21006 64.8377 148.9778 0062075 186.6309 173.3588 2.13102310 2216
- Glonass 48
- 1 21007U 90110 B 91 80.42050416 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 1084
- 2 21007 64.8598 148.9975 0039234 180.9054 179.1626 2.13100456 2212
- Glonass 49
- 1 21008U 90110 C 91 80.30331692 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 922
- 2 21008 64.8408 148.9894 0010393 290.5039 69.4521 2.13100179 2216
- Progress M6
- 1 21053U 91 2 A 91 74.70616468 .00040308 00000-0 33212-3 0 677
- 2 21053 51.6039 41.4356 0037646 101.2253 259.2970 15.68992764290529
- 1 21087U 91 80.15712736 .00000223 00000-0 22429-3 0 257
- 2 21087 82.9436 298.8691 0035730 142.0202 218.3483 13.74354520 6935
- Cosmos 2123
- 1 21089U 91 7 A 91 79.71937259 .00000255 00000-0 26067-3 0 274
- 2 21089 82.9296 169.6785 0029384 162.4720 197.7462 13.73873182 5990
- 1991 012D
- 1 21121U 91 12 D 91 79.77759887 -.00000019 00000-0 99805-3 0 372
- 2 21121 62.7148 319.7055 7392207 280.2338 11.0682 2.05525238 687
- 1991 010E
- 1 21122U 91 10 E 91 78.54292333 .00001495 00000-0 17380-2 0 198
- 2 21122 47.3572 272.1668 7260320 8.5940 359.0736 2.26393493 741
- 1991 010F
- 1 21129U 91 10 F 91 75.10176537 .00000020 00000-0 99999-4 0 169
- 2 21129 2.2915 282.2710 0018212 37.9509 321.5675 1.00097263 237
- Cosmos 2135
- 1 21130U 91 13 A 91 79.48842059 .00000107 00000-0 99999-4 0 131
- 2 21130 82.8240 239.9168 0065037 215.9908 143.6871 13.77542150 3071
- 1991 013B
- 1 21131U 91 13 B 91 67.85471756 .00000242 00000-0 22230-3 0 90
- 2 21131 82.8224 248.6957 0059357 244.3807 115.1333 13.79128579 1475
- Raduga 27
- 1 21132U 91 14 A 91 78.84779788 -.00000317 00000-0 99999-4 0 214
- 2 21132 1.4653 251.6057 0002612 335.2901 23.8525 1.00260123 224
- 1991 014D
- 1 21135U 91 14 D 91 74.48477388 -.00000103 00000-0 99999-4 0 60
- 2 21135 1.5011 250.8207 0022261 344.9318 13.9890 1.03436175 180
- 1 21139U 91 15 A 91 76.50770888 .00000123 00000-0 99999-4 0 118
- 2 21139 0.1917 294.3750 0020112 37.2407 28.2744 1.01108266 63
- MOP-2
- 1 21140U 91 15 B 91 79.36399246 .00000081 00000-0 99999-4 0 171
- 2 21140 1.1568 297.9391 0045862 30.1592 329.7818 1.00940579 144
- 1991 015C
- 1 21141U 91 15 C 91 78.59420046 .00031384 00000-0 90344-2 0 217
- 2 21141 6.9715 323.3148 7300546 190.4159 134.0282 2.25660825 351
- 1991 015D
- 1 21142U 91 15 D 91 77.02935872 .00121176 00000-0 22631-1 0 170
- 2 21142 7.0356 322.7829 7270625 190.4773 133.6715 2.30385298 327
- Cosmos 2136
- 1 21143U 91 16 A 91 79.06154793 .00291944 40811-4 13822-3 0 345
- 2 21143 62.8479 292.8576 0034428 108.8787 251.6612 16.19681410 2156
- 1991 018A
- 1 21149U 91 18 A 91 79.31317905 -.00000114 00000-0 99999-4 0 77
- 2 21149 2.8287 300.9700 0045681 196.4364 158.4485 0.99432155 151
- 1991 018B
- 1 21150U 91 18 B 91 79.79968865 .00017648 00000-0 12974-2 0 95
- 2 21150 24.9674 252.2517 0530146 277.8727 76.1979 14.30552041 1696
- 1991 018C
- 1 21151U 91 18 C 91 73.10362640 .00059200 00000-0 75036-2 0 104
- 2 21151 24.2144 326.6542 7339464 189.2262 143.2853 2.22645047 124
- 1991 019A
- 1 21152U 91 19 A 91 79.88515693 .00000006 00000-0 00000 0 0 101
- 2 21152 82.9235 124.2876 0040426 269.7872 89.8650 13.73318277 1110
- 1991 019B
- 1 21153U 91 19 B 91 76.96542189 .00000006 00000-0 00000 0 0 52
- 2 21153 82.9242 126.4430 0033691 267.4316 91.8855 13.74712918 719
- 1991 020A
- 1 21188U 91 20 A 91 80.71102730 .00053096 00000-0 52107-3 0 106
- 2 21188 51.6161 11.0658 0020518 103.6183 231.4013 15.65254868 353
- 1991 020B
- 1 21189U 91 20 B 91 79.39390433 .10844425 59694-4 65376-3 0 89
- 2 21189 51.6546 18.0983 0007175 113.4456 247.0980 16.41392014 149
- 1991 021A
- 1 21190U 91 21 A 91 80.81391181 .00027868 00000-0 90405-3 0 78
- 2 21190 65.8459 8.5561 0033389 340.8290 19.1779 15.31343294 345
- 1991 021B
- 1 21191U 91 21 B 91 79.18066841 .00099963 00000-0 30663-2 0 51
- 2 21191 65.8490 13.7351 0037826 346.1899 13.8055 15.32496951 90
- --
- Dr TS Kelso Assistant Professor of Space Operations
- tkelso@blackbird.afit.af.mil Air Force Institute of Technology
- ------------------------------
- Date: 23 Mar 91 16:30:34 GMT
- From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!tut.cis.ohio-state.edu!n8emr!@ucsd.edu
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- ==============================================================
- | Automatic relayed from packet radio via |
- | N8EMR's Ham BBS, 614-895-2553 1200/2400/9600/V.32/PEP/MNP5 |
- ==============================================================
- MARCH 23, 1991
- During the past week we saw more unstable conditions with continuing
- solar flare activity. The solar flux rose to 276 on March 18, which
- was the highest level so far this month. Propagation was mostly
- good with partial radio blackouts on occasion due to solar flares.
- Several times the K index rose to 4, indicating unstable geomagnetic
- conditions.
- During the forecast week we should see a tapering off of the solar
- flux from the 250 level down to around 210. There are a couple of
- active regions on the Sun that are capable of at least moderate
- activity, and perhaps some major flares as well. Check the K index
- on WWV at 18 minutes after the hour. It is updated every 3 hours
- starting with the posting of the new day's solar flux at 1818 UTC.
- If the K index is less than three, shortwave propagation should be
- quite good. K indices of three and rising indicate disturbed
- conditions, especially on polar paths.
- The northern hemisphere is moving into Spring which normally means
- better propagation with longer worldwide openings. Barring any big
- flare activity, we can expect generally better conditions with the
- change of season.
- American sunspot numbers for March 7 through 13 were 123, 126, 113,
- 132, 144, 158 and 141 respectively, with a mean figure of 133.9.
- For the week of March 14 through 20, they were 148, 163, 183, 166,
- 162, 157 and 155, with a mean of 162.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 21 Mar 91 08:56:00 GMT
- From: orion.oac.uci.edu!ucivax!jarthur!elroy.jpl.nasa.gov!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!execu!sequoia!uudell!bigtex!texsun!letni!rwsys!kf5iw!k5qwb!lrk@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Reading Presence of Signal from ICOM R7000 Serial Port?
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- toppin@melpar.UUCP (Doug Toppin) writes:
- > I have an ICOM R7000 with a serial interface that I am writing
- > Unix/C software for and have run into a problem.
- > I am able to command it to tune without any trouble but have
- > been unable to determine if the receiver has found a signal.
- > There appears to be no documented command that asks the receiver
- > if a signal has broken squelch.
- >
- > thanks
- > Doug Toppin
- > uunet!melpar!toppin
- You are right. There isn't any. The usual way this is done is to
- wire something up to the squelch relay output ( recorder control ).
- It might be possible on some applications to use the audio out
- with appropriate circuitry but I agree the lack of ability to
- request squelch status is unfortunate.
- ---------
- lrk@k5qwb.UUCP lrk%k5qwb@kf5iw.UUCP
- 73, utacfd.utarl.edu!letni!rwsys!kf5iw!k5qwb!lrk
- Lyn Kennedy K5QWB @ N5LDD.#NTX.TX.US
- P.O. Box 5133, Ovilla, TX, USA 75154
- -------- "We have met the enemy and they are us." Pogo -----------------
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest
- ******************************